How to Play 7 and a Half

The "7 and Half" game is a very popular card game in Italy. Here's how to play:

Object of the game: The object of the game is to get the highest possible hand, without exceeding the value of 7 1/2.

Number of Players: The game is generally played with 2-6 players.

Playing Cards: The game uses a deck of Italian cards (without jokers), which includes 40 cards.

Card Values: Card values are as follows:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: The card is worth its face value.
Jack, Queen and King : each are worth 1/2 point.
KING of Pentacles: Immediately roll to 7.

Playing the game:
- Each player receives two cards.
- Players can decide to "stand" (they don't take any more cards) or "hit" (they take one or more cards).
- The value of the cards is added up, and the player closest to 7 1/2 wins.
-If a player exceeds the value of 7 and 1/2, he immediately loses.
- If a player rolls exactly 7 1/2, he is awarded a bonus score.
- If all players exceed the value of 7 and 1/2, no one wins.
- If no player exceeds the value of 7 1/2, the player with the highest score wins.

The game can be repeated for a certain number of rounds, or until one player reaches a certain number of points.

Want to play it online? Here is the "Sette e Mezzo Online" on our site, available for PC, Notebook, Smartphone and Table. Click below:

7/2 Online

Good fun!

Data:03/05/2023 13.17
In Cards
7/2 7 And A Half Seven And A Half Card Games Online Games